Alexandru Marius Săcui


Alexandru Marius Săcui is a self taught artist and animator with a graphic design degree from the University of Cincinnati. He was born in Romania around 1975 and lives in Atlanta.

Săcui's earliest illustration decorates the entrance of The American Jazz Museum. The interactive multilingual animation Nosepilot met with international success and is in the Web Design Museum. Art has shown at Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall and Waterworks Art Museum. Graphic design has sold at Kroger, Publix and Costco.


These days you got to get all fancy to make a living but it all started with rock on the wall. Cave painting they call it now. I can’t keep up with all the new fancy polish they put on it, but I do what I can.


Illustration, animation, graphic design. They are just titles. It's all art performed collaboratively for a purpose not initiated by the artist. Hired work is an exciting team sport which leads to points not possible with solo projects.

Draft with excitement.